Flossing Order
Hi! It's Dr. Wollach from Phoenixville Dental. Next time you're at home brushing your teeth, I want you to change your home care routine just a little bit. So first I want you to floss, then mouth rinse. Then I want you to brush your teeth. And the reason why is...
Jaw Pain
Hi. It's Dr. Wollach from Phoenixville Dental. Recently, I've noticed an uptick in patients having jaw pain coming into the office. And at the same time, this doesn't surprise me, considering the state of our world currently. With jaw pain, sometimes it can be pretty...
Sports Guard
Hi, it's Dr. Wollach from Phoenixville Dental. This is just a friendly reminder to not forget to bring your kids in for at least their annual exam just so that we can get those school forms filled up soon. Also as another friendly reminder, don't forget whenever kids...
Dental Insurance Benefits
Hi, it’s Dr. Wollach from Phoenixville Dental. I wanted to remind everyone that most dental insurance benefits will refresh come January 1st. So if you haven’t gotten your work done by the end of the year, you should come in soon. If you don't use those benefits that...
Dental Anxiety and Fear with Dr Wollach
Hi, it’s Dr. Wollach from Phoenixville Dental. If you’re like millions of Americans who are fearful of the dentist I want to help alleviate those concerns. We want to make sure that anything we do you feel safe and comfortable. If you suffer from dental anxiety we do...
Covid Baby Boom with Dr. Wollach
I’m not sure about all of you, but I have definitely started to notice a Covid baby boom trend happening.